Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My first Lessoned Learned

Hi dear my colleagues. Despite my technical problems I tried to do my task as much as I can. I hope I managed to fulfill at last. It was unplesent for me to face problems from the starting of the course. That's why at the beginning it was inconvenient for me and I was a bit in a hurry. As a result of my haste I made mistakes and did the tasks wrong. Because I didn't read the instruction carefully. As one of the managers Planning and delivering DL courses I realized once more while learning in distance, it's very important to follow instructions and solve the problems related with technical tools beforehand. Otherwise it causes to lose the time. This was the first lesson learned on my own practice.


  1. Welcome, Makhprat!

    It's fantastic to see you here now! Congratulations on getting your blog up. I know it has been a great struggle for several of you, but you're here now. I'm sure everyone looks forward to reading your reflections during our course.


  2. Hi, Makhprat!
    Just like some other students here I had some technical problems at the beginning! Believe me, once you solve your technical problems, things will become much easier and you will enjoy the course a lot! Good luck and my best wishes!
    Yuliya, Kazakhstan

    1. Hello Makhprat,

      Happy to see your bolg! Technical problems happen everywhere so don't panic we all faced this problem. I am looking forward to reading your posts. Have a nice day!

      Salam, Yemen

  3. Hi Makhprat,

    It's so nice to see you here! It's good you overcame the problems and joined our community.

    I think we all learned this lesson: read the instructioты carefully and follow the suggested path (I certainly did!)

    I am pleased to meet a DL manager. I have never done DL, and this is what I wish to start. I hope we will talk more about the challenges of managing distant learning.

    Hope to read more from you soon,

    Val, Belarus

  4. Hello Makhprat,

    Welcome to the course and the blogging first experience that we all are sharing here.

    Looking forward to reading your postings.

    I hereby take this opportunity to invite you to visit my blog and share your comments.

    Best of luck,

    Hassan, Lebanon
