Saturday, January 28, 2012

The 3rd week impressions

 The 3rd week was more attractive and interesting for me. Because during this week I got lots of new materials which will help to make my lessons and sessions interesting and effective. As I told I work with adult learners, they need to get information about new things, approaches in teaching and etc. Next week I'll start sessions with my new group of school adminstrators whose specialization is English (EFL).I decided to use the gathered materials in my sessions.
But I have some problems that I couldn't have solved yet. I've created my map, but it hadn't been seen in the list. I tried several times but I wasn't able to solve. If any of you help me I'll be very glad.
Sincerely, Makhprat


  1. All the best to a new batch of students in your course!

  2. Hi Makhprat,
    The map is frustrating! I'm not sure why you're still having a problem with it. If you can email me your short description of your city, I'll post it on there for you.


    1. Hi Jodi,
      Thank you for your support. I hope at last I managed to add my information to the list of participants info. But there are 2 and both of them the info which I've sent. I's afraid of deleting one of them because of facing the problem again. Is it OK if I delete one?
      Thank you in advance for your answer.
      Sincerely, Makhprat.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
